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  • repo-list

    Lists all GitHub repositories of the authenticated user.

    ghc repo-list 

    This command lists all the public repositories for the currently logged-in user.

    ghc repo-list

  • repo-create

    Creates a new GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-create

    This command will prompt you to enter the necessary details (such as repository name and description) and will create a new repository in your GitHub account.

    ghc repo-list

  • repo-update

    Updates an existing GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-update

    Use this command to update repository details like its name, description, visibility and more.

    ghc repo-update

  • repo-delete

    Deletes a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-delete

    Warning: This action is irreversible and will delete all data associated with the repository.


    Note: Make sure provied PAT has delete repository scope or admin rights to the repository.

  • repo-star

    Stars a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-star 

    Star a repository to show support or mark it for later reference.

    ghc repo-star

  • repo-unstar

    Unstars a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-unstar 

    Unstar a repository to remove it from your list of starred repositories.

    ghc repo-unstar

  • repo-fork

    Forks a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-fork 

    This command forks a repository to your GitHub account, allowing you to make changes independently.

    ghc repo-fork

  • repo-traffic

    Gets traffic information for a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-traffic 

    Use this command to view traffic statistics such as page views and unique visitors for your repository.

    ghc repo-traffic

  • repo-clone

    Clones a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-clone 

    Clone a repository to your local machine using this command. It is ideal for downloading the code and contributing to open-source projects.


    Note: Make sure your terminal has Git installed and configured.

    ghc repo-clone

  • repo-info

    Gets detailed information about a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-info 

    Retrieve information such as the repository’s name, description, owner, and more using this command.

    ghc repo-info

  • repo-actions

    Lists GitHub Actions for a GitHub repository.

    ghc repo-actions 

    Use this command to see a list of GitHub Actions (such as CI/CD pipelines) configured for a repository.

    ghc repo-actions