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Cli-gh is a simple and intuitive command-line tool for managing GitHub repositories, users, issues, and pull requests. It provides secure authentication via GitHub PAT and powerful commands to make managing your GitHub workflow easier.


Install cli-gh using your preferred package manager.

npm install -g cli-gh


After installing cli-gh, you can start using it to manage your GitHub workflow.

Here are two ways to run the ghc command:

Using npx

npx cli-gh --help

Run specific commands:

npx cli-gh <--command--> 

Using global Installation

To use ghc commands directly without npx, you need to link the package globally.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone

Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory

cd cli-gh

Step 3: Install Dependencies

npm install
npm link

This command creates a symbolic link in your system's global node_modules directory, allowing you to use ghc anywhere in your terminal.

Verify the Installation

Run the following command to verify that ghc is recognized:

ghc --help

  • Command Not Found: If you receive a "command not found" error after global installation, ensure that your system's PATH includes the directory where global npm packages are installed.
  • Permission Issues: You might need to run commands with sudo if you encounter permission errors during installation or linking.