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Hook to get the current battery status of the device.


Live Editor
function App() {
	const batteryState = useBattery();

	return (
			{batteryState.loading ? (
				<p>Loading battery status...</p>
			) : !batteryState.supported ? (
				<p>Battery API not supported on this device.</p>
			) : (
					<p>Battery Level: {batteryState.level * 100}%</p>
					<p>Charging: {batteryState.charging ? "Yes" : "No"}</p>
					<p>Charging Time: {batteryState.chargingTime} seconds</p>
					<p>Discharging Time: {batteryState.dischargingTime} seconds</p>


Returns : BatteryState

An object containing the following properties:

  • supported : A boolean indicating if the Battery API is supported.
  • loading : A boolean indicating if the battery status is currently loading.
  • level : A number or null indicating the current battery level (0 to 1).
  • charging : A boolean or null indicating whether the battery is currently charging.
  • chargingTime : A number or null indicating the time remaining until the battery is fully charged (in seconds).
  • dischargingTime : A number or null indicating the time remaining until the battery is fully discharged (in seconds).