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Hook to get the current geolocation.


Live Editor
function App() {
	const geolocation = useGeolocation();

	return (
			<p>Latitude: {geolocation.latitude}</p>
			<p>Longitude: {geolocation.longitude}</p>
			<p>Accuracy: {geolocation.accuracy} meters</p>
			<p>Altitude: {geolocation.altitude}</p>
			<p>Altitude Accuracy: {geolocation.altitudeAccuracy} meters</p>
			<p>Heading: {geolocation.heading}</p>
			<p>Speed: {geolocation.speed}</p>
			<p>Timestamp: {new Date(geolocation.timestamp).toLocaleString()}</p>
            {geolocation.error && (
                <p>Error: {geolocation.error.message}</p>


Returns : Geolocation

An Geolocation containing the following properties:

  • latitude : The latitude in decimal degrees.
  • longitude : The longitude in decimal degrees.
  • accuracy : The accuracy of the latitude and longitude in meters.
  • altitude : The altitude in meters above the reference ellipsoid.
  • altitudeAccuracy : The accuracy of the altitude in meters.
  • heading : The direction of travel in degrees.
  • speed : The speed in meters per second.
  • timestamp : The time at which the location or error was occurred.
  • error : GeolocationError

An GeolocationError containing the following properties:

  • code : The error code.
  • message : The error message.