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Hook to dynamically load an external script.


Live Editor
function App() {
	const { loading, error } = useScript(
			removeOnUnmount: true,
			async: true,
			defer: true,

	if (loading) return <div>Loading script...</div>;
	if (error) return <div>Error loading script: {error.message}</div>;

	return (
			<h1>Script Loaded Successfully</h1>
			{/* Your component code */}



  • url : string - The URL of the script to load.
  • options : object - An object with the following properties:
    • removeOnUnmount : boolean - Whether to remove the script when the component unmounts. Defaults to false.
    • async : boolean - Whether to load the script asynchronously. Defaults to true.
    • defer : boolean - Whether to load the script with the defer attribute. Defaults to false.

Returns : An object with the following properties:

  • loading : boolean - A boolean value indicating whether the script is still loading.
  • error : Error | null - An error object if the script loading failed, otherwise null.