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Hook to observe changes to a DOM element using MutationObserver.


Live Editor
function App() {
	const elementRef = useRef(null);

		(mutations) => {
			mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
			childList: true,
			attributes: true,

	return (
		<div ref={elementRef}>
			// Try changing the style of this element from the dev tools
			<p>Observe changes to this element</p>



  • ref - The React ref to the element to observe.
  • callback - A function to handle mutations.
  • options : UseMutationObserverOptions - An object specifying which DOM mutations to observe.

UseMutationObserverOptions includes the following properties:

  • childList : boolean - Set to true to observe changes to the children of the target element.
  • attributes : boolean - Set to true to observe changes to the attributes of the target element.
  • characterData : boolean - Set to true to observe changes to the data of the target element.
  • subtree : boolean - Set to true to observe changes to the descendants of the target element.
  • attributeOldValue : boolean - Set to true to record the previous value of attribute mutations.
  • characterDataOldValue : boolean - Set to true to record the previous value of character data mutations.
  • attributeFilter : string[] - An array of attribute names to observe. If omitted, all attributes will be observed.
  • characterDataOldValue : boolean - Set to true to record the previous value of character data before it was changed.