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Hook to manage browser cookies.


Live Editor
function App() {
	const { value, setCookie, removeCookie, hasCookie } = useCookie("myCookie");

	return (
			<p>Cookie Value: {value}</p>
			<button onClick={() => setCookie("newValue", { expires: 3600 })}>
				Set Cookie
			<button onClick={removeCookie}>Remove Cookie</button>
			<p>Has Cookie: {hasCookie() ? "Yes" : "No"}</p>



  • key : string - The key of the cookie to manage.

Returns: An object containing the following properties:

  • value: string | undefined - The value of the cookie.
  • setCookie: (value: string, options?: CookieOptions) => void - A function to set a cookie.
  • removeCookie: () => void - A function to remove the cookie.
  • hasCookie: () => boolean - A function to check if the cookie exists.


  • expires : number | Date - The expiration time of the cookie. It can be in seconds or a Date object.
  • path : string - The path for which the cookie is valid.
  • domain : string - The domain for which the cookie is valid.
  • secure : boolean - Whether the cookie should be secure.
  • sameSite : "Lax" | "Strict" | "None" - The SameSite attribute of the cookie.